Other Work

The following titles represent only a selection of work available in this genre. For a complete list of works, with scoring and duration information, please contact the publisher. Where not otherwise indicated, Faber Music is the publisher for all items listed below.

Click on the icons to listen to tracks, read reviews or download the score extracts (PDF).
All material is under copyright and may not be reproduced without permission.

The Alchymist's Journal

Reviews: Diaghilev Dances Score: The Alchymist's Journal

Festive Overture
Score: Festive Overture

Score: Elegy

Danceries (mvt 1)

Danceries (mvt 1)

Danceries (mvt 4)

Score: Danceries (mvt 4)
Infernal Ride
Score: Infernal Ride

Score: Whirligigg

Investiture Fanfare
Score: Elegy


Danceries (mvt 1)

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